Tuesday 26 October 2010


the announcement on Sky Sports about the top 50 players nominated for some French sounding award and the fact that for the first time in five years there's no English players nominated. Now don't get me wrong here I'm a huge fan of the English game and this criticism is squarely aimed at the suits running the game, but what do you expect when you allow your game to be saturated with non indigenous players, and off course owners. The main thing that made the English league great was the Englishness. Sadly I've got to say year on year that Englishness is being diluted. More than half the top flight teams are owned, I hate that term, by foreigners, some of whom are doing here what they are not allowed to do at home. More non English managers and it's no longer unusual for teams to take the field bereft English or Scots or Welsh or Irish players. Are you really surprised at this outcome, I'm not.