for the third round is apparently to be made tomorrow at Hampden at 2 o'clock. Nice to hear at last although they managed to keep it a secret long enough. I heard it from within our club I've still not seen it publicised anywhere. Suppose they had to tell us eventually didn't they. Maybe they wanted to keep the whole thing a secret within their own little club and play the games without telling anybody. Mind you they probably realised if they did keep it "in house" nobody would end up paying. Well they don't do they, snouts and troughs spring to mind, that's the only time they need the great unwashed, must really rile them eh.
I see as well we've signed a left back from Stenny on loan for a month. If I were Elliot Smith I'd be starting to get a complex. Wasn't that last lad we had on loan a left back as well, or does Jimmy know something we don't?