Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Just sitting

watching the Spurs game on the box and they've been getting a right spanking, but they did get one back just before half time. That does give them at least a chance now but they'll have to up their game dramatically from the fairly turgid fare they've served up so far. At the same time I've been reading Saturdays programme from Shielfield and I must say as usual Dennis has come up with another good issue. On that point the reserves start their season tomorrow night at Shielfield against Leith Athletic and I've agreed to edit a match programme for them. Anyone who knows me knows the importance I place on clubs producing a programme and as our reserves are competing in a "proper" league, by that I mean not a reserve league, I think it's important they have a creditable match programme. Hopefully if you get your hands on one this season you'll agree!