Sunday, 12 July 2009

Yesterday's game

did take place didn't it? All the media going have not seen fit to say a single word about it, including the score. I did get the score, 3-0 to Stenny, from their official site but that's all they reported. If anybody knows anything about it let me know will you? I really hope that this isn't some indication of the level of information we can expect this season for us in particular or the 3rd division in particular.


Anonymous said...

was in scottish sundays plus report

Martin J said...

Not on offical Website either Colin which is unacceptable, all it needs is score and report to follow.
We were extremely critical of previous regimes lack of info lets hope this is a one off. Pull your fingers out lads

John said...

It was shite. Thats your report.

Anonymous said...

I am fed up with all the failed promises like huge cash from local business and scrapping the youths.If the last lot were doing that you would have been voicing your disgust.The new site is never updated and the openess you promised has not happened.We dont even have a team its a joke.

Anonymous said...

Comment number 4, it's ironic isn't it?

Theres been a takeover - they've not even had a year in yet, and yet, there are still moaning bastards like you. It was never going to happen overnight, just let it fucking lie will you?

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I can't see how someone couldn't have let someone somewhere know the score and then upload that to site.
Poor show for first game who is responsible for letting people know or was no one at Stenny?
I think a comment made last year about old site firmly hit bnail on head. "It is better to have no site than to have one that is out of date and behind with news"

Anonymous said...

How about you get your arse of your seat and come support em? There was about 10 fans top who made the journey. Was it long? Was it balls. Last year there were many folk going on about how they were all at home. They get an away game and they get stick for it being far away, when it's ironically one of our closest away games in the SFL.

Oh, and just to let you know, the Official Site has been updated. Hope it makes you better. awww

Anonymous said...

It was a friendly ffs

Anonymous said...

I was working so couldn't get. Trawled through sites to try and get score and was still none the wiser on Sunday.
With regards to only 10 being there come on Stenny away like we've NEVER played them before, it was about as appealing as Hibs XI at home.

Anonymous said...

comment no 4 true tho,
8 months is long enough, not as long as 12 tho, so after 12 months there will be no more excuses ?

Martin J said...

Well done on the site. Much improved this week with Hibs result on almost straight away plus more news stories. Probably had more updates in last few days than old one had in two years.