We finished
our Dutch trip last Monday by making our way back to the coast from Arnhem. On the way we decided to drop in for a look at the ground of the recently defunct Harleem FC. Sad sight t was as well all locked up with the signs still evident and the teams mini bus sitting inside the locked gates as if waiting for it's next run. There were two fair sized stands down each side and a number of training pitches situated at one end. A timely reminder, if one is needed, that the unthinkable can happen it certainly did there. Back to things black & gold and I noticed we've signed a new player. Know nowt about him I'll need to do some research. Maybe better news is the signing of new contracts by several of the existing squad. McLean is one of them which is good news as I thought he was on his way. But overall good news. Shows work is being done for next season. Elgin tomorrow, if ever we needed a win its then.