Sunday, 16 May 2010

Just back

from a weekend in what for this weekend at least was the football hotbed of Angus and Tayside. Everything up there was tangerine yesterday and a great day at Hampden was hailed as a success in footballing and occasion terms. The thing mentioned time and again was the refreshing difference from one involving either of the old firm. And the thing most commonly mentioned was the lack of "foreign flags" and songs full of bile and hate.It must be good for Scottish football but I'd beg some of these 28000 United fans and 18000 County fans to go back next season on a regular basis. Football happens most Saturday folks not just cup final days. If only a percentage of you turn up it will make your clubs stronger and be better for Scottish football.
Finally we've signed another two players from last seasons squad. Things appear to be moving along nicely in what really are early preparations. Great stuff keep it up.