Wednesday 16 September 2009

Middle of

the week again and I'm living on a diet of televised football. Did you watch the Champions League stuff last night? Two perfect results for the English sides especially Man United in Turkey. It always strikes me that the Turks seem to get away with murder, not literally, where grounds and fan behaviour are concerned compared to what is accepted in this country. Why is that I wonder, don't expect we'll get a result on that one, do you?
On a different note, I see livi have appointed a new assistant manager and stated their intention to remain full time. Looks like it's time for their big wigs to dig deep if their crowds this season are anything to go by. You have to remember that Livingston is a town of nearly 100000 people so that shouldn't be beyond possibility, but more of them will need to turn out. No doubt those in charge won't be slow to show their appreciation......